Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Is It Worth It?

I have been pondering over this for a while now. We say that life is an ordeal; one has to fight their destiny, and create a decent path for themselves. Nothing comes easy, unless it isn't what you want! And if one is strong enough, or if one finds a reason to keep fighting, they will build a beautiful road for themselves, and keep going no matter what. Because they might have found something worth all the pain, all the misery. When you find something worth living for, your capacity to take it all suddenly manifolds. For some it is love, for others it may be a passion.

But there are some who cannot find a reason to keep going, lose all hope, and give in to the treacherous life. The only door they see open, is the door to Him. I have always been confused about the rightness of such an act. Sometimes, I feel that it is one's own right to decide whether they want to keep fighting or just let go. It may not be in one's capacity to take that pain any longer, and if giving up your life gives you that inner peace, they have the right to have it. 

However, just like every other coin, it has a flip side too. A biased coin, I'd say. For me, the coin is more likely to land on this side of it. So because, along the road of life, you meet those who are connected to you some way or the other. With giving up yourself, you are also taking away something from their lives. You may not see it, but it is true. You cannot simply give such a pain to the ones who love you. They do not deserve it. And however hard it may be to see it in the dark times, but they sure are the people worth living for. If even these people don't give you enough reason to keep going, then you must understand that God has given this life to you, as a blessing. You were chosen to be here, because you deserved to be here. He has given you this chance once, and nobody has the right to give it up so easily. 

So, I'd say never let such thoughts cloud your mind, and keep those in mind who have loved you once, or forever. Life may not be easy, but it sure isn't THAT difficult.

Let me know what is your take on this.

Cheers to life :)